How life can be your coach?

My journey that brought me to this juncture in my life has been heavily based on a deep-seated desire to comprehend the workings of life, my place in the world, and my interactions with others. The roots of this inclination can be traced back to my formative years, as I was raised in a family environment where certain essential needs were overlooked. Although my basic needs such as food and shelter were met, there was a notable absence of psychological and emotional sustenance.

As I have matured into adulthood, I have come to acknowledge and understand this aspect of my upbringing. Additionally, I have realized the ways in which I have successfully channeled this absence of parental nurturing into positive growth and development.

My life coaching training was truly transformative and served as a pivotal point in my personal development journey, as it equipped me with an invaluable additional skill. Through this experience, I gained a profound understanding of the importance of taking responsibility for my life and being accountable for my choices. Delving into the intricate workings of my thoughts, I discovered the profound influence of my unique thinking on my emotional responses, subsequently shaping my behavior and ultimately influencing the outcomes and results in my life.

Life Experience Cycle

The beauty of this model of personal experience lies in the ability to pinpoint your unique life experiences at any juncture on the circle of experience. You have the choice to begin with a feeling and delve into the underlying thoughts that sparked it. Consequently, you can ask yourself, “do I want to think differently?” Alternatively, you can embark on the circle of life experience from the vantage point of behavior, questioning if it truly serves you, and whether it aligns with the specific outcomes you seek. This circular process is adaptable to all facets of life, offering a framework for comprehending, embracing, and if desired, transforming each experience.

Life is undeniably replete with challenges, irrespective of your age, affluence, or renown. It is virtually guaranteed that around 50% of your life will be characterized by challenges, varying in intensity. The remaining 50% is earmarked for contentment and, occasionally, moments of utter bliss. Additionally, it is important to recognize that this circle of life experience has the potential to become self-fulfilling. For instance, harboring the belief as a student that “I’m not good enough” may lead to thoughts such as “I’m inept at exams,” resulting in feelings of despondency, thereby undermining motivation. This cycle of procrastination diminishes the likelihood of effective learning, retention, and exam preparation. The eventual consequence is a failed exam, further solidifying the original belief and perpetuating the cycle.

So, as you utilize your life experiences to gain a deeper understanding of your life experience circle, take the time to contemplate and determine the precise juncture within your life circle at which you are prepared to initiate change. It is important to keep in mind that such a decision will necessitate careful consideration and introspection. It requires the courage to change, the humility to accept your situation, and the willingness to put your ego aside. Furthermore, it demands the discipline to commit to the change you are looking for and truly deserve.


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